Who we are and what we want
What's the deal with Bets.ai? Let us explain what we’re all about.

We'll say it from the start: if you're a punter, chances are you've made it to heaven without dying first. Because at Bets.ai you'll find everything a punter could want.

We have statistics on the most important European leagues (France, England, Italy, Spain) – statistics for the teams and statistics for the players. We don't have the Bundesliga, because the Bundesliga is still the most unpredictable of the big leagues, and artificial intelligence is still powerless against this reality. We also have statistics about referees (but since we have VAR, their errors are not so often decisive and that's great).

We have standings simulators, where punters can play around, try out different scores and see the impact on the standings. Of course, we also have different betting simulators, where after you enter your bank and the odds of your first bet, the simulator will tell you which stake to apply, and so on for the subsequent bets, with the aim of doubling your initial bank in the shortest possible time - a punter's golden dream.

We present the odds of the matches converted into percentages (basically these are the exact percentages that the bookmakers guess). Plus, we have a section (named Free Fall – Super Form) where we show the teams going through a period of poor form and also teams that are at their peak, in a period of super form.

We have also created our Wisdom of the Crowd section, where you can vote the winner of the matches and see how others have voted. Perhaps most importantly we have the 1 X 2 and Over 2,5 goals chances estimated by the artificial intelligence. This has been painstakingly developed and rigorously tested with constant recalibration to bring it to its current stage. Last but not least, we have a personal space where punters can make notes and keep a betting diary.

The ultimate prize being, after all, as you have already guessed, access to the match predictions offered by our software. In addition to all of the figures and statistics, our Blog aims to provide a story to help enrich the experience.

Why are we doing this? Because technology finally allows us to transform statistical data in a way that can help punters win more often. And they can win, even if the sport itself retains uncontrollable areas of randomness.

Our aim is to enable a more informed punter to make better decisions based on information. We analyze huge amounts of data, with far greater speed and accuracy than is possible for an individual with a computer. If a punter is armed with such a weapon, then the war is half won.

That's what we do here at Bets.ai - we provide punters with a tool for the 3rd millennium, without which it is becoming increasingly difficult, if not impossible, to keep up with the fight against the bookmakers. Even so, we still need a dose of luck. So: good luck to all of us!